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Short Courses

Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development - Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 201

4.0 PDH Hours

Cost:  $180.00

Engineers and practitioners of GI and LID from Halff Associates and Tetra Tech will present basic and advanced concepts associated with GI/LID planning, design, construction and maintenance. The workshop will briefly cover concepts of stormwater management using green infrastructure including components, functions and benefits. Site planning and design of green infrastructure will be discussed using project examples. Best practices for monitoring green infrastructure performance, and construction and maintenance of low impact development will be presented through project examples.

Applying ESRI's Field Data Collection to Inspections


ESRI systems offer several options for users to move from paper documents and inspection reports by transforming paper-based field data into a user-friendly app where the information is instantly available. The applications are available but can be difficult to understand and manage. We will share examples of how ESRI based applications can be used to conduct outfall and construction site as well as easily compile data into an easily readable and presentable form. During this interactive workshop attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the app-based system to see first-hand how quickly information is uploaded and the many dashboard options available.

Community Resilience and Mitigation Planning and Funding

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Room 205 A/B

3.0 PDH Hours

Cost:  $180.00

Community planning requires collaboration and consensus across multiple governments and non-government organizations. A hazard mitigation plan brings stakeholders together to identify, assess, and plan for potential natural and man-made hazards in a community or region. This workshop aims to develop strategies to minimize the impact of hazards on people, infrastructure, and the environment.

The workshop will explore ways to integrate LID principles into hazard mitigation planning to reduce the impact of hazards on the environment and promote resilience.

Another key theme of the workshop is sustainability. Hazard mitigation planning must be sustainable in the long term, taking into account social, economic, and environmental considerations. The workshop will emphasize the importance of incorporating sustainable practices into hazard mitigation planning to reduce vulnerability, enhance community resilience, and promote economic and social well-being.

During the workshop, participants will engage in a variety of activities, such as group discussions, interactive presentations, and case studies. They will work together to identify hazards and vulnerabilities, assess risks and impacts, and develop strategies to mitigate hazards. The workshop will also provide opportunities for participants to learn about best practices, share their experiences, and identify areas for collaboration.

By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a deeper understanding of hazard mitigation planning and its importance for promoting resilience and sustainability. They will have developed strategies and action plans for reducing the impact of hazards on the environment, promoting sustainable development, and enhancing community well-being.

Auditing Local Codes to Enable Low Impact Development and Green Stormwater Infrastructure


While federal and state regulations provide a framework for managing stormwater runoff local codes often affect how projects are built. Local codes explicitly or implicitly restrict or prohibit use of Low Impact Development (LID) approaches and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) practices (LID+GSI). This workshop will introduce attendees to two tools that have been developed to facilitate local governments in self-auditing, or consultants conducting audits for local governments. The Community Audit Spreadsheet Tool, or CAST, is comprised of 16 sections of audit questions to evaluate various aspects in local codes (e.g., streets, parking, zoning, development review, natural resources, etc.) that can affect implementation of LID. Each question includes context for how the question relates to LID+GSI and questions are scored with how well code allows or encourages LID+GSI. Rather than completing all 16 topics, many communities may wish to focus their audit on a few specific topics, at least initially. The Community Scoping Exercise is a precursor to the CAST, and helps local governments assess where their communities are with respect to LID+GSI, by identifying how receptive the community is to code changes, current makeup of local government elected leadership, groups that would be for or against code changes, and other big-picture considerations. 

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